Tuesday 10 September 2013


What does success mean?
This random picture I found on the internet has really challenged me in so many ways as to what I expect success to mean and what I expect other people to strive to also. Many of you may know that at some point I was desperate to become a professional trumpet player. I played hours upon hours a day and did everything possible to try and make it happen. But- it wasn't meant to be. Many people said 'Oh if only you'd started seriously practising from the age of 12!' or 'if only you'd been at private school' and many other perfectly useless phrases such as the above but I did the best with the hand I was dealt and as I said before it just wasn't meant to be. At the time I was very angry with God and felt that verses in the bible such as 'I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength,' simply didn't apply to me. Now, 4 years later and a lot more mature (I know hard to believe isn't it!) I know for many reasons why the idea of becoming a trumpet player wasn't the best for me. That many other gifts I have such as people/children skills and creativity are so much better served in other places and I'm nor pursuing the dream of becoming a primary school teacher.  
So according to the world- I have failed. I am not a successful person. But according to God I am successfully becoming the person he planned for me to be all along!
In Jeremiah 29v11 it says:
'For I know the plans for you,' declares the Lord. 'Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'

So if you feel like a failure or you feel like in the world's eyes you are not successful- step into the plan and purpose God has before you. This isn't a call for people to stop striving and trying hard in exams or work or anything else. Hard work is important but it says in the bible that

'God gives you the desires of your heart'

But maybe you don't know the desires of your heart yourself! I know I didn't!
Alternatively you don't know God's plans for other people and they are without a doubt completely different to what we expect!!
Peace out. <3